Scaling to Seven Figures: A Fractional Executive's Blueprint for Success

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As a fractional executive, you're no stranger to the challenges of building a sustainable business. But what if I told you that the path to seven figures isn't just a pipe dream, but an achievable reality? In this eye-opening interview with Sheryl Plouffe, a former broadcaster turned business strategist, we uncover the secrets to becoming an icon in your niche and building a thriving seven-figure business.

The High-Ticket Mindset Shift

Let's start with a hard truth: if you're still offering small-ticket items or low-priced retainers, you're leaving money on the table. Sheryl challenges us to think bigger:

"We help coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs to become icons in their niche. Ultimately, our goal is seven figures and beyond because we really believe that six figures is something you should be blowing by at this point in the world."

But how do you make that leap? Here's the blueprint:

  1. Start with High-Ticket Offers: Instead of climbing the ascension ladder, begin with your premium offer. As Sheryl puts it, "Start with the high ticket and then descend from there. Use one program, one offer to get you to seven figures and then descend from there."
  2. Value-Based Pricing: Stop pricing based on what you think clients can afford. Price based on the value you deliver. Sheryl emphasizes, "They will afford what they see value in. And that's what you should be predominantly focused on is positioning your offer so that they can actually see the value."
  3. Strategic Risk Reversal: Structure your programs to link payments with results. Sheryl suggests, "Do what we call strategic risk reversal, meaning that you structure your program around linking your payments to actual results."

The Power of Strategic Visibility

In today's noisy digital landscape, being everywhere isn't the answer. As Sheryl puts it, "It's not omnipresence, it's not ubiquity, it's strategic visibility." Here's how to nail it:

  1. Identify Your Perfect Client: Who do you genuinely enjoy working with? What problems can you solve for them? Sheryl advises, "Start with who you'd love to work with."
  2. Choose Your Platforms Wisely: Where do your ideal clients hang out? That's where you need to be visible. Sheryl suggests, "Think about going back to basics and building on a foundation that's strong, we know that building strong relationships in business will never go out of style."
  3. Leverage Podcasting: It's not just about having your own show; it's about being a strategic guest on others' podcasts. Sheryl explains, "You can take advantage of the podcast strategy of being precise about who it is that you want to meet."

The Sniper Approach to Relationship Building

Forget spray-and-pray marketing. Sheryl advocates for a precision-focused strategy:

  1. Create a Target List: Sheryl suggests, "We'll have clients or sometimes in our live events, we'll have people do an exercise where we say, who are 25 people to 100 people that if they knew who you would have a drastic impact and a massive impact on your business."
  2. Offer Value First: Invite them to your podcast or offer to be a guest on theirs. As Sheryl puts it, "You're providing value, but more than that, you're edifying them really is what you're doing."
  3. Build Long-Term Relationships: It's not just about the immediate transaction. Sheryl emphasizes, "If you look beyond the transaction and you think about it building up that this is one touch point on a road toward building a relationship, it changes the game."

Overcoming the "No Time for Marketing" Excuse

If you're not spending enough time on sales and marketing, you're doing it wrong. Sheryl states bluntly, "The bad news is that's the business you're in." But there are ways to make it manageable:

  1. Efficiency in Delivery: Streamline your client work to free up time for marketing. Sheryl suggests, "Work on getting delivery more efficient so that you're not spending so much time with them and you begin to open up time freedom."
  2. Strategic Content Creation: Use tools and strategies to repurpose your content across multiple platforms. 
  3. Build a Referral Network: Cultivate relationships with strategic partners who can send high-quality leads your way. Sheryl shares, "At Icon Maker, we have over, 200 and counting referral partners."

The ROI of Authority Building

Still hesitant about investing in content creation or a podcast? Consider this: the authority you build is an intangible asset with tangible results. Sheryl reminds us, "There's value in positioning yourself as an authority - you have to count that in your ROI."

Bradley adds a practical perspective: "We don't have a fancy logo. I don't have a fancy jingle to welcome it. I don't have all of that fancy stuff that all the big podcasts have. I don't even have sponsors. And my podcast editor is a few hundred bucks a month."

Your Seven-Figure Action Plan

Ready to leave the six-figure club behind? Here's your roadmap:

  1. Craft Your High-Ticket Offer: What transformational result can you deliver that justifies a premium price?
  2. Choose Your Visibility Strategy: Will you host a podcast? Be a guest on others? Offer live training in targeted groups?
  3. Build Your Network: Identify potential referral partners and start nurturing those relationships.
  4. Commit to Consistent Action: As Sheryl puts it, "You have to be persistent and resilient and you definitely want to be that person who can persevere because there will be ups and downs."

The Mindset of a Seven-Figure Fractional Executive

Sheryl has a powerful reminder: "You can have the business you want. But, it requires more than just tactics; it demands resilience, persistence, and a strong "why" to keep you going through the inevitable ups and downs.”

So, fractional executive, are you ready to step up and claim your place as an icon in your niche? The seven-figure club is waiting for you. It's time to get strategically visible, build those high-trust relationships, and create the business—and life—you've always dreamed of.

Your journey to seven-figure success starts now. What's your first move going to be?


This value-added article was written by Mylance. Mylance takes your marketing completely off your hands. We build the marketing machine that your Fractional Business needs, but you don't have time to run. So it operates daily, growing your brand, completely done for you.

Instead of dangling numbers in front of you, our approach focuses on precise and thoughtful input: targeted outreach to the right decision makers, compelling messaging that resonates, and content creation that establishes trust and legitimacy.

To apply for access, submit an application and we'll evaluate your fit for the service. If you’re not ready for lead generation, we also have a free, vetted community for top fractional talent that includes workshops, a rates database, networking, and a lot of free resources to support your fractional business.

Written by:

Bradley Jacobs
Founder & CEO, Mylance

From Uber to Fractional COO to Mylance founder, I've run my own $25k / mo consulting business, and now put my business development strategy into a service that takes it all off your plate, and powers your business