Mastering the Art of the Intro Call: Convert Prospects into Clients Without the Hard Pitch

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Every successful consulting engagement shares a common starting point—a phone call with a potential client. This isn’t just any conversation; it’s a pivotal moment that can transform a routine introduction into a lucrative partnership. How you handle this call can mean the difference between a polite “nice to meet you” and securing a $15,000-per-month retainer.

Even seasoned professionals who are experts in their fields can find it challenging to turn prospects into committed clients during these early conversations. More often than not, the stumbling block isn’t what you’re offering but how you’re presenting it.

In this blog, we’ll dive into strategies that go beyond your standard sales pitch. We’re talking about creating real connections and addressing client needs head-on. Whether you’re a veteran consultant or just stepping into the field, you’ll find actionable tips here to make every introductory call not just a formality, but a launchpad for success.

Essential tips for building rapport

The secret to any successful conversation lies in its balanced give-and-take nature, and this is especially true for introductory calls in a professional setting. While you might not yet know the person on the other end of the line, it's important to engage them in a dialogue rather than merely talking at them.

Kick things off by finding some common ground. Take a couple of minutes to chat about their weekend or ask what they’ve got lined up for the coming week. Toss out open-ended questions that encourage them to open up, like, "What was the best part of your weekend?" or "Got anything exciting planned this week?" This isn’t just small talk; it’s your way of laying down the first bricks of a good rapport and establishing a foundation of trust. 

Crafting the soft pitch 

After building a good rapport, it's your turn to steer the conversation. Try saying something like, “Let’s start with a quick introduction from both sides, then I’d love to hear about your business. How does that sound?” They'll likely agree. I always like to go first because it helps keep things short and sweet—aim for 30 to 60 seconds. This sets a nice pace and shows you’re mindful of time.

When you introduce yourself, include what I call a “niche sentence.” This is where your soft pitch techniques come into play. Say something that speaks directly to their paint points and needs. For example, when I worked with startup logistics companies struggling to scale without bulking up their team, I’d start with, “Hi, I’m Bradley Jacobs, previously at Uber, where I accomplished XYZ. Now I specialize in helping early-stage tech companies grow efficiently without adding a lot of headcount.” This kind of introduction grabs attention right away and shows you’re focused on solutions. Keep tweaking your pitch until it feels just right. They’ll follow with their intro, and just like that, you’ve set the stage for a productive discussion.

Navigating client qualification with ease

When you're on the call, your main job is to figure out if there’s a good match between what the client needs and what you excel at. Here’s how you can smoothly navigate this part of the conversation:

  • Understand their main concerns: start with questions that get to the heart of what the client is really worried about or aiming for. Ask things like, "What’s keeping you up at night?" or "What are your immediate goals and the biggest hurdles you're facing?"
  • Dig into the details: once you’ve warmed up the conversation, shift gears to more specific issues—those that lie squarely in your wheelhouse. For example, if you specialize in marketing analytics for startups, you could ask:
    • "How closely have you been tracking your customer acquisition costs?"
    • "What strategies are you using to assess the effectiveness of your marketing channels?"
    • "How do you weigh customer acquisition costs against the lifetime value of your customers?"
    • "Are you experimenting with different strategies to optimize your marketing efforts?"

These questions show off your expertise and help pinpoint whether the client is facing problems you’re geared up to solve.

  • Share your insights: as the conversation unfolds, you’ll find natural moments to weave in your own stories or insights. Maybe share a quick anecdote about how you helped another company optimize their marketing spend. This not only reinforces your expertise but also makes the chat more engaging.

By the end of this exchange, the client will likely reveal whether they're in over their heads or if they have everything under control. If it’s the former, they might just ask for your help on the spot. From there, you've laid groundwork for a potential new opportunity. 

Turning conversations into client commitments

Moving from a casual discussion to a solid commitment doesn't have to feel daunting. Once you've pinpointed a client's needs and explained how your expertise aligns perfectly with those needs, the next step is to smoothly guide the conversation toward a commitment.

Ask direct, yet considerate questions like, “How critical is resolving this issue for your business right now?” or “What steps have you considered to tackle this challenge?” These questions help the client see the urgency and practicality of your solution. When they begin to view you as an integral part of their solution, securing client commitments becomes a seamless progression rather than a hard sell.

Key communication techniques: mirroring and labeling

In your initial conversations, especially when the other person isn't very talkative, you can use two effective tactics to get them chatting more. This is crucial for two reasons: firstly, it helps you learn more about their business, and secondly, people generally enjoy talking about themselves and their work. 

These tactics are called mirroring and labeling, and they’re two powerful tools in your communication arsenal. Mirroring involves repeating the last few words or the essence of what the client has just said. This not only shows that you are actively listening but also encourages them to elaborate further. For example, if a client says, “We’re struggling with project delivery timelines,” you might mirror with, “You’re struggling with timelines.” This simple echo can prompt them to open up about specific challenges, giving you more insight into their situation.

Labeling, on the other hand, involves putting a name to what the client might be feeling or experiencing. Saying something like, “It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed with the current project management tools,” helps in validating their feelings and deepening the connection. By using "effective labeling," you help clients articulate their frustrations and needs, paving the way for a more solution-focused discussion.

Sealing the deal: client engagement techniques 

Toward the end of your call, mention specific points you discussed to show you're really paying attention. If there's a chance to work together, tell the client you'll send a proposal right away. If there isn't, ask for two introductions to people in their network (not one, not three, but two—trust me when I say two is the sweet spot to get more leads). If you need more information, set up a second call while you're still on the first one. This keeps things moving and helps you stay connected with the client.

Final thoughts

Mastering the art of the intro call isn't just about closing deals—it's about opening doors to new possibilities and strengthening your personal brand with every successful interaction. Each call is a chance to showcase your expertise and professionalism, setting yourself up for long-term partnerships. Plus, when you make a great impression, you're not just winning a client; you're potentially gaining an advocate who'll share the good word about you. Think of every call as a pivotal moment that can shape your career and reputation.

Written by:

Bradley Jacobs
Founder & CEO, Mylance

From Uber to Fractional COO to Mylance founder, I've run my own $25k / mo consulting business, and now put my business development strategy into a service that takes it all off your plate, and powers your business